Sunday, February 22, 2009

Two States

Hello all! Sunday evening here in Provo. Winding down the weekend and getting ready for a new week. Brooke and I are for the first time in our marriage experiencing what its like to be apart for an extended period of time - not fun. However, we are working through it as an acceptable sacrifice and an opportunity to grow even closer (about the same way we have looked at early time periods of long separation like freshman year of college, the mission, its only 3.5 weeks, so nothing really compared to a couple of years!) Tomorrow Brooke will have been back in good ol' Washington State one week, filling in at Heartland. So, as she puts in hours of work back there, I continue putting in hours of school here. Another round of midterms coming up this week. Three to be exact, plus a quiz (in that particular class...Honors Isaiah...they are pretty hefty quizzes though!). Have continued also to get to know my professors better and build relationships with them, so that is nice. Still investigating quite diligently what my major is going to be...lots of ideas, but I think I'm getting it narrowed down. However, I did join the Honors Program at BYU this past week, meaning that upon completing extra projects/requirements, can graduate with honors in the top 2% of BYU. So that is a definite goal I have made for myself.

It has not all been work and school for the two of us this past week though! Brooke has been getting into Guitar Hero with the family back home! Apparently we are going to rock it when I go visit her in two more weeks! She also enjoyed Wenatchee Wild hockey games both Friday and Saturday nights thanks to their season tickets. I got an almost instantaneous cell-phone video of the big fight from the game on Friday! So it was ALMOST like I was there! Here in Provo, the weather has turned VERY spring-like, though I'm trying not to get my hopes up because knowing this place, it will probably snow another foot before March. Anyway, I do try to enjoy it while its here, so yesterday I woke up to bright sun shiny skies, and decided to go for a hike in the evening and hopefully get some good sunset pictures. I had a great hike and though clouds had moved in by that time of the evening, still got some pretty pictures and beautiful views out over the valley. Got to play in the snow. I didn't go on a trail, just parked and started hiking up the hillside lol! Towards the last part, which was very steep heading up to the top of the ridge, there was decently deep snow (had the effect of being  deeper because of the incline) and since it was all over these small shrubs, there were lots of air pockets underneath, and most steps involved sinking into my knee or above. Got a great thigh workout to say the least! Pictures are posted below :)

Thats about it for now. Time to plan out the week a little and get to bed. Our greetings to all of you!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Weekend

So yesterday, Valentine's Day, we woke up to yucky wet snow falling. Not too rosy at all! Our plan of going for a run in the hoped-for sunshine thus fell through. However, not too worry. We decided to make a yummy breakfast together! Brooke made her stellar scrambled eggs, while I pulled out one of our cookbooks and saw "French Toast Waffles" listed and thought I'd give that a try. Turns out, they were awesome! You just make regular French Toast, but instead of cooking it on a frying pan, you stick it in a waffle grill! Highly recommend it! We shared breakfast together on the new cute Valentine's Day plates Brooke got us, and sipped Orange Mango Pinneaple Juice from Valentine's Day glasses. After exchanging cards, Brooke got out the most hillarious heart-shaped glasses I had ever seen, "Kiss-Me" antennas, and a lovey/kissy neckless! So, see the pictures! We had some good laughs for sure!

That evening we got together in the kitchen again (we love being together in the kitchen btw) and made an awesome chicken, brown rice, and corn dinner. Sounds simple, but ohh was it good! A craving for ice-cream hit us, so where else did we go but on down to Hogie Yogie to get their world famous Oreo Milkshake. My was that delicious. But, the funny thing is this. I had been wearing my cute little neckless around the house most of the day, and forgot I had it on lol! Well, Hogie Yogie was almost empty, so all the workers were waiting for customers when we walked in. It did seem like they were looking at us a little oddly though. Then when the young man took our order, it almost seemed like he was trying not to laugh. Well then Brooke couldn't hold it in any longer and kindly mentioned to me while laughing, "Roger, you still have your neckless on!" LOL! Wow, talk about embarrassing. Good times though for sure! Those moments are priceless.

It's Sunday evening now. This morning we both gave talks in Church on Missionary Work. Fun fun! Now we're just hangin out, taking it easy for the evening. The sun actually came out today too, so that was nice. Also have been working with this dang blog to get it "pretty" :) Like I promised, will be updated often! Cheers for now! B&R

Thursday, February 5, 2009

One month in Provo

Our first full month in Provo is now past. Each day goes by faster. We are feeling more adjusted now to life in Utah though - still sponsoring though our favorite motto: "In Utah but not of Utah." :) We are loving our new life together. I have managed to create a very busy semester for myself at school, between 6 reading-intense classes and a part time TA job. Together though we attack head on each day. We are up around 4 or 4:30 each morning and walk to Gold's Gym across the street, and love working out together. Whether it be lifting, cycling, or doing functional workouts, it is a great way to start the day and spend time together. I'm on campus by 7 AM usually and am there until 6 or 7 in the evening. That's always the goal at least!

Brooke is on the job hunt still. Had a great interview earlier this week for one, so we are waiting to hear back on that. We're happy, and we love that fact! Yes, we are surrounded by tough times here and abroad, but each day we learn and grow a little bit together, and like I said, meet life head on, with a smile of course! In this first month we have also solidified the fact that Brooke makes the best breakfasts and lunches ever!

As January now sits behind us, we even moreso are looking forward to spring!! Lots going on each day, so we will keep you posted!